01443 548588

Feel quite emotional that it was a year today we sent out our pilot scheme. If only I knew then how much we would grow. We have gone from strength to strength and grown bigger and bigger and that’s thanks to you.

Offering community support to over 100 mums and hub space to over 48 mums and babies. The pilot was only ever to gauge and evidence the need and within 3 months we were inundated and had gone bigger and bigger ever since.

I can’t put into words what this means to me, having so many people supporting us to support others. Developing a project like Mothers Matter was only ever a dream and now its a reality, offering support to perinatal women is all I ever wanted and that’s thanks to all of you for believing in us.

Huge thank you to the Mothers Matter staff.

And a huge thank you to our funders and to all those who have donated. It wouldn’t be possible without you and I am so grateful to you every day thank you for all your support.

🍾🥂 here’s to the next chapter, whatever that may bring. Katy xx