01443 548588

Baby blues start roughly two weeks after your baby is born. Its the time the partner has to go back to work, the adrenaline wears off, the excitement turns to sheer exhaustion. The visitors stop, your blood flow is getting heavier by the day and you have no strength to get through it and your boobs have cracked and your in agony. This is the time that your support network is crucial and very much needed. Who do you turn to at this point…

Mothers Matter – We can can support you in anyway we can.

Your Health visitor or midwife – they are not there to judge and if there is anything they can help you with they will or they will signpost you to outsourced agencies

Baby groups – as much as you may feel to tired to mix, this is the time its needed, social interaction is key at this point

Your friends – ring them, chat to them about how you are feeling

Your family – asking for help is not a failure its a step in the right direction and we all need it.

Please, please call us. Mothers Matter was developed because we care, we understand and we have been there. We may not of all experienced things in the same way but we have all needed someone at some point. We are here to listen to you.