01443 548588

Want to join our awareness team?

Mothers matter are looking for members to join our awareness team. We are looking for women who have found being pregnant a struggle or mums that have suffered during or after birth. We would love to chat to you. If you are interested please contact us. If you have a...

Baby Blues?

Baby blues start roughly two weeks after your baby is born. Its the time the partner has to go back to work, the adrenaline wears off, the excitement turns to sheer exhaustion. The visitors stop, your blood flow is getting heavier by the day and you have no strength...

Who is there for Mum?

When women have babies life is pretty much all about that baby. The health visitor checks the babies weight, height, feeding, sleeping etc midwife comes out makes sure the baby is thriving, does a quick check In with mum making sure she’s sleeping when baby...

Adjusting to life as a Mother

Listening to others when you are about to embark on the biggest journey of your life regarding having children is never a true picture. All pregnancies are different, all women are different and all of our bodies are different. How you find pregnancy will be...